On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd have to rate this past weekend a 20. It
couldn't have been more perfect. There were multiple times throughout
the weekend that I would stop and think to myself what a great time we
were all having. Chad, myself, and all the kids. Everyone was content
and happy, enjoying the weather, friends, and having tons of fun!
Ruby loves to be at the cabin. Other than bedtime and naptime, she's outside. |
Ruby's friend, Rylee, was at the cabin this weekend. It was fun to see the two of them interact. They will have lots of fun growing up at the cabin together! |
There were friends all around. The big kids ran from sun-up until well
after sun-down. They spent hours playing ball, on the rope swing, on
the swing set, in the paddle boat, biking, and fishing. There were also
pontoon rides, and an ice cream run. Not to mention the hours upon
hours of night games. Saturday night we had to send the kids to bed
well past midnight, because us adults were ready to call it a night!
Playing ring-toss with Reagan. |
They are always fishing....and tons of fish were biting this weekend! |
Cousin, Sam, caught a walleye right off the dock! |
Picnics with friends by the lake. A crowd favorite- Mac 'n Cheese. This is a special treat we save for the cabin:) |
We have such a good time when we are all together. Many laughs going around.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous this weekend. We could not have
wished for better. Hot, sunny, and calm. Every. single. day. There
was no sleeping in....The mornings were so beautiful we jumped up early
just to soak it all in.
Early morning stories. I remember when Eliott used to read this story to us....now she can do it too! |
Such a happy baby....with a messy face:) |
This little guy spent lots of time fishing- off the dock, in the paddle
boat, and on the boat with Daddy. He's turning into quite the little
Auntie Lori and AJ stopped over for a quick visit and he fed the little one some snacks. |
One of his many fish! A nice big northeren! |
This little girl put in many hours and many miles this weekend. It's no
wonder they slept like rocks when they finally went down! |
I love this time together with the littles. This time at the lake will forever be cherished. |
Rickster 1 sells ice cream at the local shop, so he loaded the kids
up and treated them all to ice cream on Sunday morning. It was a nice,
cool little treat when the temp was creeping near 80!
Eliott and his favorite little puppy, Favre! |
We all thought it was crazy when the kids jumped in the water right away
on Friday night. By Saturday, they spent most of the day either in the
water, or squirting water at one another. It was so warm and toasty
that you either needed shade or water to cool off. We are used to this
weather for the 4th of July, but it is so welcome on Memorial Day
weekend, also!
Ruby hung out in her stroller just taking it all in. There was so much action going on she loved it!
We had the tunes playing most every day while we spent our days
outside. I went around the corner of the cabin and witnessed an awesome
dance party happening on the picnic table! A little "I Gotta Feeling"
was an appropriate song for them to dance to- it was a great night!
She is quite the little dancer...Spinning right on top of the table! |
So Silly! |
And this picture about sums up the entire weekend. It was so much
fun we could hardly stand it. From Friday afternoon when we arrived right through when we packed
up on Monday to head home. Wishing and hoping for many more of these
wonderful weekends with great memories. Here's to an awesome summer!